Thursday, August 28, 2014

Learn how to use the fury from gawminer

This is straight from gawminers' support with a little more OS specific clarity added by me. My ZenController didn't work out of the box, so they sent me these instructions. I ended up flashing the raspberry pi and just installing Raspbian with cgminer and using the command below. However, this would work for any computer if you didn't have a Raspberry Pi or ZenController!

Step by Step Setup Guide for Gen A Miners:

1. Download and Extract: also available on my site here

2. Make sure you have this driver installed:

3. Open up notepad and paste in:

cgminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1KQxLLQNxgn2upd4TtGbtiRdm3f5UWC9k8 -p x –nocheck-golden –chips-count 128 –ltc-clk 328 -S //./COM4

3a. Change pool info to your own

3b. change COM4 to your COM port (Go to device manager to find your COM port for your miner)

3c. change chips count to your miner's

Please Note:

Chip Count

War Machine: 256

Falcon: 128

Black Widow: 64

Fury: 6

4. For Windows: Save text file as miner.bat file in the same folder as your cgminer.exe

For Mac/Linux – just save it as a file in the same folder as cgminer, set permissions to 755 "chmod 755"

5. Run batch file and profit!

Windows cmd line: run minder.bat

Mac/Linux: ./

If you want to build cgminer from source:

cd to the root directory

Run "autoreconf -fvi"

Run "CFLAGS="-O2″ ./configure"

For Linux, just download the first zip file, unzip and type "make" to get your cgminer application ready. After that, you just need to add the params for pool and user/pass to get mining.

please visit for more information

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