Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Marketiva - Open Account

Cara mendaftar di Marketiva

Sekarang saatnya untuk melakukan pendaftaran di Marketiva, klik pada banner/ gambar berikut ini :

Maka akan muncul halaman seperti ini :

Klik pada tulisan Open Account, maka akan muncul formulir isian sebagai berikut:

Choose Your Username: You will use this information to access your account each time. Capitalization matters for your password!

Username: ◄ Isi dengan username anda.
Password: ◄ Isi dengan password anda.
Re-type Password: ◄ Isi lagi password anda.

Your Personal Data: Enter your personal data below. The data will be used for your account identification and for communication with Marketiva support team.

First Name: ◄ Isi dengan nama anda.
Middle Initial: ◄ Dikosongkan saja.
Last Name: ◄ Isi dengan nama belakang anda.
Job Title: ◄ Dikosongkan saja.
Organization: ◄ Dikosongkan saja.

Your Contact Info: Enter your contact information below. The contact information will be used for providing you with more relevant content and for use in your financial records and statements.

Street Address: ◄ Isi alamat anda.
Additional Address: ◄ Isi alamat anda.
City: Ⳙ Isi dengan kota anda.
Zip / Postal Code: ◄ Isi dengan Kode Pos anda.
State: ◄ Isi dengan propinsi.
Country: ◄ Pilih negara anda.

Phone: ◄ ◄ Isi dengan no. telp rumah.
Fax: ◄ Dikosongkan saja.
Mobile: ◄ Boleh diisi dengan no. HP anda.

E-Mail: ◄ Isi email anda.
Web Site: ◄ Dikosongkan saja.

Continue to Account Settings: Please click on the button below to continue to the next step in the account registration process where you will be asked for your new account settings.

Jika sudah benar maka klik tombol Continue , akan muncul halaman berikut:

Choose Your Settings: Select a user settings template below. According to the template selected, the system will add initial settings and subscriptions to your account.

User Template:
Standard Forex Trader: This is a standard user template for forex traders. It includes subscriptions to common currency pair prices, key alerts and signals, forex news categories and chat channels. The template allows forex trading on a virtual and a live trading desk.

Price: Free
◄ Pilih ini.
Compact Forex Trader: While the trading services and subscriptions provided are the same as with the standard forex trader template, this template introduces a more compressed window layout that displays less information but takes a smaller part of your desktop.

Price: Free

Enter Your Coupon: You can enter your coupon code below if you have received one from Marketiva or from our affiliates. Depending on its type, a coupon can provide you a discount, access to restricted chat channels and other special features.

Coupon: ◄ Dikosongkan saja.

Please send me special offers, promotions, news and updates from Marketiva and its selected partners.

Kalau anda ingin terima e-mail promosi, klik disini.

Password Recovery: The selected question and an answer you specify below will be used in case you forget your password and want to recover it. Please choose a question that others cannot easily guess or know about.

Recovery Question:
Recovery Answer:

Pilih pertanyaan yg anda suka, berikut jawabannya.

Continue to Terms Acceptance: Please click on the button below to continue to the next step in the account registration process where you will be asked to read, understand and accept the Service Agreement under which Marketiva Corporation provides its services and products.

Pilh Standard Forex , karena fasilitasnya lebih lengkap daripada Compact Forex , Recovery Question adalah untuk jaga-jaga jika anda lupa dengan password, jadinya nanti akan keluar pertanyaan yang anda pilih ini kemudian isi dengan jawaban anda, maka anda akan mendapat password baru, pilih pertanyaan yang benar-benar anda ketahui jawabannya, jangan asal isi.

Setelah klik tombol Next maka akan muncul halaman berikut:

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

Before you submit this registration request form, you need to read, understand and agree with the Terms and Conditions, shown below, under which Marketiva Corporation will provide you its services and products. Please use the page down key to scroll down and read the Terms and Conditions. You may also use the scroll bar on the right.


(Isi dari Service Agreement)


(Isi dari Risk Disclosure)

I have read, understood, and agree with the Service Agreement under which Marketiva Corporation provides it services and products. I have also read and understood the Risk Disclosure statement and I am willing and able to assume such risks.

Klik kotak ini untuk menyetujui Peraturannya.

Finish the Registration Process: Please click on the button below to finish the account registration process. You will then be provided with links to download the client application, review our price list and payment options, and log on to the Account Center.

Setelah klik tombol Next maka akan muncul halaman berikut:

Your account has just been created

Thank you for your business! We have created your account that you can use to login to the Account Center and the other restricted areas on

IMPORTANT: Before you start using services and products provided by Marketiva, you need to download a client application that will allow you to subscribe to and use our services. To download the client application, please follow the link below:

Download the client application

Link untuk mendownload software untuk bertransaksi di Marketiva, yaitu Streamster.
Review the price list
Link untuk melihat daftar biaya dalam melakukan transaksi di Marketiva.
Check the payment options
Link untuk melihat pilihan pembayaran untuk memasukkan maupun mengeluarkan dana di Marketiva.
Contact Marketiva Support Team
Link untuk melakukan kontak dengan Tim Bantuan dari Marketiva yang siap membantu apa pun.

Thank you again for your business!

Setelah pendaftaran Anda sukses, simpan username dan pasword Anda untuk login di sofware streamster novativa marketiva.

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